Pier 33 Gourmet Mussels, Fully Cooked 1 Lb
730 mg DHA + EPA omega-3 per serving. 17 g (34% DV) protein per serving. 16.9 mcg (700% DV) vitamin b12 per serving. New look! Same great taste! Nourish your world. All natural. Naturally rope cultured in the pristine ocean waters of the Patagonia. This product is fully cooked. Some mussels may not be open but they are still safe to eat. Keep unopened shells in their original juices and heat an additional 1-3 minutes. If they still do not open, you can pry them open using one of the other shells and enjoy! Pier33Gourmet.com. Learn more about our mussels. Follow us on Facebook. Certified Best Aquaculture Practices: Processor. www.bapcertification.org. Product of Chile.