Hylands Cold 'N Mucus, Daytime, 4 Kids/Ages 2 12, Bonus Pack 5 Oz
Ages 2-12. Sugar free. 25% free. Homeopathic. Natural relief. Cold 'n Mucus (Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated). Lossens mucus in chest, throat and nose. Mucus & congestion. Runny nose. Cough. Alcohol free. Dye free. Hyland's 4 Kids Cold 'n Mucus provides natural relief to help children with symptoms of colds, including accumulation of mucus in chest, throat and nose, runny nose, sneezing, and nasal congestion. Our formulas are safe and always: Made with natural active ingredients. Free of artificial colors and flavors. Free of stimulant side effects. www.hylands.com. To learn more about our products, visit www.hylands.com. Also Try These Other Hyland's 4Kids Products: Cold 'n Cough; Cold 'n Mucus Nighttime; Oral Pain Relief. Please recycle.